9Èmes Édition du Colloque Sino-Europeen en Marrakech

Last week, from 31st October to 2nd November 2023, the 9th edition of the Sino-European Tourism Conference was held in Marrakech, entitled “Tourism, interculturality, and immaterial heritage.”

The Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakech organized the event with the University of Angers and the Society of Geography of China.
It allowed me to present my research about the “Protection and Promotion of Cultural Heritage in Tourism: A Literature Review.”
Cultural heritage management represents one of the main challenges worldwide. In particular, it affects countries with a relevant amount of cultural heritage or emerging countries that are approaching tourism recently.

The congress was an opportunity to share knowledge and learn from beautiful minds from all around the world: Morocco, China, Ivory Coast, Lithuania, Italy, France, UK.

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